Underground Construction
One of InCycle’s key capabilities is the construction and installation of underground infrastructure facilities such as pump stations, vent walls, sub-stations, service lines and vent fan installations for the mining sector.
The successful operation of any underground installation depends on the quality of the preceding excavation work and the associated ground support. As a leading company in these fields, InCycle is in a unique position to advise on and implement appropriate methodologies.
InCycle holds and maintains all the necessary specialised equipment in-house, and directly employs its fully-trained workforce, ensuring the immediate availability of all project requirements.
The company is adept at managing activities within the constraints of operating minesites, and integrating HSEQ systems with client processes. Bringing to each task the experience gained in some of the most challenging environments, InCycle delivers turnkey solutions, giving clients the benefit of completed projects that are fit for purpose, on time and on budget.